When pests such as mice, bedbugs and cockroaches enter the home it can be a stressful, disturbing experience. As a professional pest control company, with over 36 years of experience, you can rely on us to control and eradicate most infestations. Our fully trained, local service technicians will recommend the necessary approach in dealing with your pest control issues. Whether you have spotted early signs of a mouse infestation or noises in the wall, we would aim, with your help, to prevent any further problems with our discreet, professional approach.
Are unwanted pests taking over your home? At Wicklow Pest Control, we will carry out a risk assessment site survey, recommending a course of action. Due to changes in pest control regulations, laid out by the Department of Agriculture, our methods are environmentally friendly, safe, and professional. Keeping your family and pets safe always essential for us, all rodenticides used will be concealed in locked tamper proof bait stations.
To prevent any further damage, we would identify the call as urgent and will provide an instant quotation. This gives us detailed information regarding infestation, location, or a photograph of the pest related issues.